Do the right thing, mate!

Do the right thing, mate!

When a famous person commits suicide, the emotions that run over are tremendous. Social media, news and entertainment channels overflow with their own analyses of the incident. People are shocked yet again. I say yet again as it always takes a big news to make us think.

And what do we think really? Most of our thoughts are about the lifestyles of celebrities and how it never came out that the person in question could tend to do this. Then lots of people speak of how “young” the person” was to take such a drastic step. Others preach of how we should be there for friends and family.

Keep statistics aside as very few actually understand the frameworks within which they hold true. The facts…

1. Age is no bar, for mental illness.

2. Yes, it is mental illness that leads you to end your own life.

3. Money or social status is no bar for contracting an illness of the mind.

4. Your emotions , feelings, and thoughts are very important parts of you that need to be nurtured, exercised and cared for. They are what get affected by mental illness.

5. Mental illness may not show up physically. People are themselves often unawares of being ill. Many such people continue to function normally in society for a long period of time while nursing themselves when alone or in secrecy.

6. While the presence of a support system is of utmost importance in case of any illness, they can only help within limits.

7. People who find themselves struggling with their thoughts, feelings and emotions, who fight the realities of their lives NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!

8. So please, while you are promising to be there for your near and dear ones, also promise to lead them, accompany them and support them through treatment. Take them to psychological counselors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and enable them to accept treatment.

9. Mental health professionals don’t just talk. There is a science to treatment. Just as you would need to see a physician for physical illness , so do you for mental issues.

10. You cannot home remedy it. Do NOT give them false hopes that it will all go away one day, or make them feel guilty that it was all their fault. Do NOT start attributing causes to the illness without referring to a psychologist. And do NOT pretend that if one situation changes, this person will then become alright on his own.

11. Friends and family matter only if they are there consistently. This can be a huge challenge for anyone, as we all have our lives to take care of. And people who are disturbed may often need more help than a drink together or a chat or an evening out. It can be draining for a caregiver, and therefore professional help is mandatory. So refer them, make sure they keep appointments, take medications, attend therapy, implement recommendations and seek help yourself if you feel it is all overwhelming you.

12. Mental illness is a reality and always has been. It is treatable and, or manageable provided we want to.

So, next time, be there for the other or for yourself, but also make sure that you make the right professional help possible and available to them.


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