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ADVICE There are several misconceptions and presumptions about psychotherapy and today I try to clarify one such.   It is easy to advise others.  The inherent presumptions here being that 1. in therapy, what you do is give advice; 2. advising is a presumably easy task

News came in that the accused in the Hyderabad case of crime against a woman were shot dead in self defense by the Telangana police. So many citizens have been celebrating the meting out of immediate justice in social media

Facing important examinations? Does it seem complicated? Is the milieu of the exam overwhelming or confusing? Do you have it all sorted out, but find the unwanted advice doled out by "well-wishers" pushing you to the edge? Do you find

Clinical practice in psychological counseling and psychotherapy is the need of the times. As the onslaught of everyday life stressors builds up, families get smaller, society gets busier, personal relationships get restricted to online interactions; the need for a neutral,