

News came in that the accused in the Hyderabad case of crime against a woman were shot dead in self defense by the Telangana police. So many citizens have been celebrating the meting out of immediate justice in social media and otherwise.

To an educated, Indian middle class, working, reasonably intelligent, woman what does this mean?

One, first reaction! Good, justice delivered swiftly!

Second reaction, the police being praised for their actions so widely that it brings to mind the question – Was it for this outcome that the crime scene was reenacted?

Third reaction, now that the public at large is happy, will the so called “outrage” not be strong enough for similar criminals hobnobbing in the annals of power in UP and Haryana. A victim was burnt alive this very week by the accused out on bail, she received no help, no security, despite the fact that she was up against a man with powerful political connections. The Ruchika Girhotra case still languishes in police files with the accused carrying on with his life and the family of the victim suffering in every possible way. These are just 2 cases that come to mind immediately. There are certainly so many more.

Fourth reaction, in a country where GauRakshan ( protecting cows) is more important than Stree Rakshan, what the police did today is probably the only way left. But since I am an educated woman also, I think by extension in a different set of circumstances will the police get away in my country by shooting the arrested suspects without proving them guilty in court?

I have been wondering how, in the first place did the identity and photographs of the victim and the four accused be released to the media. Was that a lawful thing to do? Why does a woman feel unsafe to stand at a toll booth in India? Why was there no police patrol in the area? Why are police men not clear about their jurisdiction or the necessity of immediate action when a citizen comes for help?

Did the police, then, prove to the media how these four are the guilty ones beyond doubt? Did they release their proof to the media? These questions are valid only if we are in favour of a media trial as against a court trial.

If the four arrested were the real perpetrators of the crime, then I am glad about what happened. But I also want the same to happen to the politician’s son in UP and the high ranking police officer from Haryana. Is anybody listening?

I am praying that parents of boys realise how much more responsibility they have in today’s society to nurture their sons with civilised human values inclusive of gender equality and respect for law.

I pray that fear for safety is the same for girls or boys, that both grow up in my society as strong, equal and upright citizens.

And lastly, to hell with jingoism, seeing so much of it that the very word seems obscene now.


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